Mechanical Love. (The cartoon)

Hey, just want to share this cute cartoon with you. At the mo once a month I am teach on ‘The Message of the Cross’. For every teaching I try and create a fresh cartoon trying to portray part of the message. This is last Sunday’s attempt. The focus of the teaching was on ‘The Fall’ and the relevance of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of good and evil’ and of free choice.

Check out below the cartoon to get the relevant bit of teaching.robot-2

Hey, just want to share this cute cartoon with you. At the mo once a month I am teach on ‘The Message of the Cross’. For every teaching I try and create a fresh cartoon trying to portray part of the message. This is last Sunday’s attempt. The focus of the teaching was on ‘The Fall’ and the relevance of the ‘Tree of Knowledge of good and evil’ and of free choice.

Check out below the cartoon to get the relevant bit of teaching.

God has not programmed us to be a mechanical robot that does not know how to disobey. No, for indeed God has given us freedom of choice. We can say no to God and perhaps most of the world does!

Picture it this way. You are a parent with a beautiful four-year-old daughter. God has programmed your daughter to say at fifteen minutes to the hour every daylight hour ‘I love you daddy/mummy’. This is not love and it would very quickly mean nothing to you. However if out of the blue your daughter (or anyone else at that) came to you and said, ‘I love you’, you would feel really special.

That’s the way God wants it. He wants to hear our praise to him, our love for him because we can, because we choose to.

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