Play with Me Again

I still remember
when Mummy and Daddy
slept together
when we ate together
and sometimes played together
it was paradise.

Then Daddy got angry
Mummy started shouting
Mummy shouted a lot
grown-up words, lots of them
I was sleeping when the crash woke me up
Daddy left, Mummy cried and cried
she had a big bruise on her face
I was sad for Mummy.

Now I only see Daddy sometimes
and Mummy does not smile any more
she does not want to play with me
and she’s always angry
I am sad
some of my friends only have a mummy;
they are sad.

we were in the shopping mall
I was looking at the cute puppies
in the pet shop window
when I heard Daddy call my name.

I was excited, I turned round
and there was Daddy standing there
alone, with very sad eyes
he just looked at me.

I called him, he didn’t move
when Mummy saw him
she got angry
she didn’t speak
she just grabbed me
and dragged me away
it hurt my arm
and it hurt my heart.

I want my Daddy and my Mummy
to play with me again
I hurt
I hate this side of paradise
and I want a puppy.

Inspired by witnessing a sad, sad moment in front of the pet shop at our local shopping mall.

Thank you so much for reading ‘out for lunch’. If you would like to contribute, please do. Thanks Kel.

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