The Changing of a Name

The Changing of a Name.

The name ‘America – The Land of the Ziploc Bag’ is formally being changed to the temporary name of  ‘America – Lost in a Registered trademark’

The reason being the word ‘Ziploc’ is a registered trademark.

If you are interested in the process, please read on.

Email 1 Written to the Customer Relationship Centre for SC Johnson, USA.

Comments:Dear Sir/Madam

Please can you take a look at my blog. I am using the word Ziploc Bag in the tittle. I was about to produce a tee-shirt with the words ‘Ziploc Bag’ on it and then I was reminded that the word Ziploc is trade marked.

Please check out my blog at and advise me. I am hoping to publish a book with the same tittle.

Waiting you reply.

Yours faithfully
Kel Fowler

Email 2 From the Customer Relationship Centre for SC Johnson, USA.

Thanks for contacting us, Kel.

I have forwarded your email to the appropriate department for handling. Someone should be responding to you shortly.

If you have future comments or product information needs, we invite you to visit or e-mail us again at



Email 3 Written to the Customer Relationship Centre for SC Johnson, USA, 15 days later.

Dear Courtney

Thanks for you reply, as yet I have not been contacted by the
appropriate department and am interested in your reply.

Please when can I expect a reply?

Cheers Kel

Email 4 From the Customer Relationship Centre for SC Johnson, USA.


We appreciate your patience while we look into your request further. Someone will be getting back to you as soon as possible.



Email 5 Written to the Customer Relationship Centre for SC Johnson, USA.

Thanks Denise

Email 6 From the SCJ Supervisor, Oy Transmeri Ab, Finland.

Dear Kel,

many thanks for contacting SCJ concerning the usage of Ziplock name in your t-shirt and book. It is great that our brand has made so good impression but we are not able to give the permission to use it in the purposes not managed by SCJ company itself.

We hope you all the best

Kind regards


Email 7 To the SCJ Supervisor, Oy Transmeri Ab, Finland.

Thanks for letting me know, I kind of expected that. I presume the same also applies for my blog?

It will take me quite some time to remove your brand from everything, but I will start doing that.

Cheers Kel

Email 8 From the SCJ Supervisor, Oy Transmeri Ab, Finland.

Dear Kel,

Unfortunately yes it also applies for your blog.

kind regards



If you are interested in donating towards the unlikelihood of of court costs or just towards the general running of America – Lost in a Registered Trademark. Please do me a favour and click the button.

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